We are delighted to bring you the next instalment of events at the Cork Biodiversity Hub, Ballincollig P31PX67. We opened in February with the wonderful presentation of Jim Wilson and now this month we have two very interesting topics to explore.
The first is on Composting: filthy fun for a better world. Thursday March 20 at 7.30pm, our guest speaker is Donal O' Leary of Waste Down. Donal is an absolute authority on composting; on the microbiology of the soil. He is continually trialling different techniques and has much experience to share on the efficacy and satisfaction of making your own top class compost at home.
The second presentation; Greening our back gardens for biodiversity. Thursday March 27th at 7.30pm. Delivered by Rosemarie McDonald the Biodiversity Officer of Cork City Council. Rosemarie is keen to see everyone looking at their gardens and finding ways to create and support habitat. Especially now at this time of biodiversity crisis, nature needs all our help. Come along and learn what you can do.
For both events it is important you book a place by emailing us as we need to keep an eye on numbers. corkbiodiversityhub@gmail.com
Thank you
Looking forward to hearing from you
Mabel and Eithne, and Maria from Green Spaces for Health
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